The Satanic Council, part 3: The Galactic Federation and Global Citizenship Committee

This post builds on the first and second in this series.

The Satanic Council, to review, has a few names, like the Druidic Council and the Committee of 300. Our Whistleblower (OW) has said that the World Governing Council (WGC) is also an alias, but a spokesperson for a leader of the WGC disputes that designation and states unequivocally that the Satanic Council does not equal the World Governing Council. They don’t take any pains to tell how exactly it is different from the Satanic Council, however.

Our Whistleblower has stated previously that the Bilderberg meeting is a mandatory meeting of a subset of the Satanic Councilmen (and women, but I’ll use the male designation for clarity). She has also stated that there is a Council of 9, a Council of 13 and a Council of 21 that are also what are termed “higher echelon” subgroups of the Satanic Council, although I have not heard any elaboration from her on what those groups do or who is on them.

What stunned me a bit was learning that there was a sub-group of the upper echelon ranks of the Satanic Council called the “Galactic Federation”. My, my. Apparently this is only one of the names it goes by, there are others, but I don’t know what they are.

This group is apparently composed of not only Satanic Councilmen, but also Angelic beings from the heavenly realms, and Demonic beings from the lower realms.

They get together in the Heavenlies and chat and debate about land rights, and rights to human souls. Human souls. This meeting is accomplished by a type of remote viewing that allows viewing of the spiritual dimension as a vision, vs. astral projection style remote viewing that requires separating the energy of the astral body from the physical body.

If you search “Galactic Federation” on Duckduckgo, a bunch of pages come up. This one agrees for the most part with OW, saying “About 40% of the Galactic Federation is human, the rest consists of other species and light beings, ” and “The Galactic Federation is controlled by a large council, made up of smaller councils, that themselves consist of even smaller councils, each of which has representation from all of the separate members. This way this enormous organization stays manageable. The hierarchy between members is usually determined by their spiritual development. The most highly evolved members are beautiful light beings who voice the Will of God.” On that site is more detail about the Galactic Federation that at the moment I can’t absorb much of without risking brain explosion.

I checked to see if Blessed2Teach had any information on the Galactic Federation, because if anybody would chime in with information on this sort of thing, it would be Gene Decode. However, the only information that came up was from a telegram post that Rick (the host) shared on frontstage January 21, 2021 and which I won’t repeat here because Gene didn’t seem to think that it was fully correct.

The same Galactic Federation? Perhaps.

OW also stated that in addition to the Galactic Federation, there are 2 more sub-groups of the Satanic Council called the ‘New World Order’ and the ‘Global Citizen Committee’. I would like to be a fly on the wall in both of those meetings. I’ll take a guess that there are many more sub-groups than this, but, based on the names of these groups we can be fairly sure who and what has originated the “one world” push for the world. Satan–we’re not having it. We’re waking up, and as we do, becoming wise to your nefarious intentions.

I thought that perhaps, like the Bilderbergers, that these 2 committees might be out in the open with only their ties to the Satanic Council hidden, and lo and behold, take a peek here. The Global Citizenship Committee is integrated with the United Nations, and has the intention of altering our lives (how kind of them), saying in that article, “Global citizenship exists at various levels, in numerous contexts and at different times, with no single identifiable institutional framework. In the new world order, it seeks to expand its scope and democratize a decision-making process that can radically affect basic aspects of our societies, especially in people’s lives….” So by their own definition, the Global Citizenship Committee sits inside of the auspices of the New World Order (One World government, religion and economy), and wants to radically affect our basic lives. To me that statement bodes nothing good for the average human.

If we look here at the bottom of that link page, we find that one of the members of the Global Citizenship Committee is Emma Rothschild who is the half sister of the infamous Jacob Rothschild, who has been named by OW as an illuminati brotherhood member. Another is Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum and a 2016 Bilderberg meeting participant. Also Gordon Brown, former Prime Minister of the UK, and Catherine O’Regan, a former South African judge, Rowan Williams the 104th Archbishop of Canterbury, Mohamed ElBaradei, former director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, and Robert Rubin, a 2017, 2018 and 2019 Bilderberg meeting participant as well as a 2009 member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Many of the members listed on the 2016 Release of the Global Citizenship Commission Report also are former participants of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the World Economic Forum, all of which I believe are, like the Bilderberg meetings, mandatory breakout groups of the Satanic Council. I have yet to hear OW state this explicitly, however, so at this point it’s just my speculation. It’s pretty clear, however, that the Global Citizenship Committee is chock-full of illuminati brotherhood members that can be identified by bloodline and Bilderberg participation.

Based on all this information taken together, I can guess, and it’s only an educated guess, that a few of the names of the upper eschelon of the Satanic Council include:

Emma Rothschild
Klaus Schwab
Gordon Brown
Robert Rubin

If I didn’t know the Luciferian underpinnings of these people and their bountiful committees, I’d find the following quote from Klaus Schwab to be contradictory to his membership in a Global Citizenship Committee that seems, on the surface to be all about the betterment of humanity. If you read through this, their Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it seems all progressive and beneficial. Trouble is, they can’t hide it all. So then they predict things like this:

“You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy about it. Everything you want, you’ll rent”

Klaus Schwab, via world economic forum predictions of 2016

So, one of Klaus Schwab’s visions is of an economy where we are all renters, not owners, and we pay who to rent? Likely the illuminati brotherhood members who own all the giant corporations. A woman named Kim who I will introduce to you in a future post says, we currently pay about 90% of our income to the globalist class buying the stuff they produce & paying taxes. Perhaps Klaus wants to make sure that they gets that last 10%.

There’s something terrifying about the most powerful followers of Satan wanting to “help” you and I become global citizens. What purpose could it have to, for example, want to ensure that nobody is “denied the right to change their citizenship”, which is one assertion they put forth on page 48 of their declaration of human rights. Why should a felon, or a mass murderer, or someone of undesirable character have the absolute right to change their citizenship? Instead, shouldn’t the countries of the world have the absolute right to refuse those undesirable characters they do not want? A “right” such as this seems to be a positive spin on a nefarious underpinning, which is that the brotherhood wants to be able to traffic people more easily, and making sure that people can change their country of origin at will makes it easier for them to do so.

That document, the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” seems to be intensely concerned with control of every human on the planet. On page 72 alone, it refers to “every individual and every organ of society” (what’s an organ of society?), a “social and international order,” “States still control”, “States have a degree of control,” “States have power of enforcement”. Control, control, control. They want us to be citizens of no state–just the globe–and yet have nation states exert control. So much of that document is about rights of humans, and yet when you have rights, you have responsibilities. It seems the Global Citizenship Committee is using the concept of rights to lay the framework of global control of the people of the planet.

They need to control us; we are waking up. I wonder what will happen when a critical mass of awareness occurs; will their powerful and secret committees tied to Satan simply fall apart? I wonder.


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