PATRICK DEVINE EXPLAINING ABOUT YOUR PRIME UCC , And also about American Independent Treasury "Cestui Que Trust" off-balance sheet


YOUR PRIME UCC Statement for #4:

The Secured Party is an American State Citizen of the United States of America; secured and protected by the Constitution as a Principal Creditor that can also give an account with blood. The Principal Creditor at his birthing was given an Absolute Inherit Estate, as a probated registered account by his will to LIVE. The Principal Creditor then became the original LESSOR and the Insured by way of the Thomas James Widlar - "Certificate of Live Birth", a document that Leased the Municipal Shareholder part of the Estate to the Principal Debtor, as the original LESSEE a Body Corporate person (SPV - An American Independent Treasury "Cestui Que Trust" off-balance sheet Legal Entity under fiduciary management and Fiscal Agents) Account in Form; held in custody as a United States Citizenship domiciled in a Foreign Jurisdiction known as Washington, District of Columbia. This Principal Debtor is operating as an Executive Agency as a Private deposit insurer, able to issue orders for Subleasing insurance commercial monetary contracts as a new SUB‑LESSOR and the Insurer to this UCC Secured Party, the Principal Creditor. The new LESSEES would then be the UNITED STATES and the STATE OF NEBRASKA organizations of corporation and/or other licensed corporations, known as AFFILIATES to be placed as ratified contracts on supportive UCC filings. The Original DEBTOR Contracting Instruments with the STATE OF NEBRASKA and UNITED STATES are in FACT used as dual purpose Leasing Contracts of Bondage and Unjust Usury, but they were never properly RATIFIED. Therefore this UCC filing is applying the final process by adding the DEBTOR’S Collateral to SECURE the Secured Party in the listed Debtor Contracts. This action is required in order to Enforce and to Insure the Leasing Rents OWED by the DEBTOR/LESSEE are paid to the SECURED PARTY/LESSOR, when it is demanded by the AMERICAN CREDITOR - Thomas-James: Widlar byway of the Fiduciary Management:


DEBTOR COLLATERAL is ALL Assets held within or assigned to this DEBTOR, as follows:

1.      STATE OF NEBRASKA – Thomas James Widlar - “Certificate of Live Birth” OHIO xxxx-xx3187; a Municipal Corporation Shareholder Leasing Contract, that was only to be 3-seven year leases and to be terminated at the age of 21.

2.      UNITED STATES - Thomas James Widlar "SSN Account" xxx-xx-6729; an Open-Ended - Commercial Leasing Contract, that was only to be a 1-seven year leasing contract (18 to 25) and to be terminated at the age of 25.

3.      STATE OF NEBRASKA – “Certificate of Live Birth” OHIO xxxx-xx3187; a Municipal Corporation Shareholder Leasing Contract along with the CHURCH OF ROME “Certificate of Baptism” 314 with Church of Rome Affiliate; that was only to be 3-seven year leases and to be terminated at the age of 21.


This new UCC filing supersedes all previously filed UCCs under the same Secured Party and Debtor formatting.

Under the penalty of perjury this UCC is acknowledged and concurred as correct by this UCC Principal Debtor: (S/) Thomas James Widlar


STATE Statement for #10 - Miscellaneous:

The UNITED STATES, STATE OF NEBRASKA and all other AFFILIATES are using the DEBTOR’S Leasing Contracts as insurance commercial monetary bonding instruments (known as a Letter of Marque and/or Commercia Bellia to be operated in extrinsic fraud): Drivers License, Voter Registration Card, etc. and all other certificates and corporate accounts including the W-4 employment forms. Therefore, all commercial/tariff Income Taxes are really owed by the commercial users as they are the commercial monetary beneficiaries.



FOR YOUR “STATE OF       ” filing:

STATE Statement for #4:

The above named "Secured Party" person (SPV - An American Independent Treasury "Cestui Que Trust" off-balance sheet Legal Entity under fiduciary management and Fiscal Agents) is also known as the Principal Debtor to the Secured Party - Thomas-James: Widlar, an AMERICAN CREDITOR; under UCC # 2012-329-8989-6, the Original Foundational Leasing Contract. As this UCC "Secured Party" person, he has acted as the LESSOR and authorized contracting instruments with the De Facto - STATE OF NEBRASKA (a De facto Governmental organization of corporation - Legal Entity) this UCC's Prime DEBTOR. The Contracting Instruments are in FACT used as Leasing Contracts of Bondage and Unjust Usury, but they were never properly RATIFIED. Therefore this UCC filing is applying the final process by adding the DEBTOR/LESSEE'S Collateral to SECURE the Secured Party in the listed contracts. This action is required in order to Enforce and Insure the Leasing Rents OWED by the DEBTOR/LESSEE are PAID to the SECURED PARTY/LESSOR or when it is Demanded by the AMERICAN CREDITOR - Thomas-James: Widlar under UCC # 2012-329-8989-6, as a Chose in Action.


STATE - Prime Leasing Contract:

1. STATE OF NEBRASKA - Thomas James Widlar "Certificate of Live Birth" OHIO xxxx-xx3187; a Municipal Corporation Shareholder Leasing Contract.

STATE - Sub-Leasing Contracts are attached under the UNITED STATES - Thomas James Widlar "SSN Account" xxx-xx-6729; an Open-Ended - Commercial Leasing Contract.

2. STATE OF NEBRASKA - Thomas James Widlar "Drivers License"; a Special Commercial Privilege Leasing Contract.

3. STATE OF NEBRASKA - Thomas James Widlar "Voter Registration Card"; a Special Commercial Privilege Leasing Contract.


DEBTOR COLLATERAL available for the Leasing Contracts is as Follows:

The Bonds of Office of all De Facto - STATE OF NEBRASKA, COUNTY and CITY Office holders as organization of corporation Officials and all buildings and other property claimed to be De Facto - STATE OF NEBRASKA, COUNTY and CITY property.


This new UCC filing supersedes all previously filed UCCs under the same Secured Party and Debtor formatting.


Under penalty of perjury this UCC is acknowledged and concurred as correct by the Debtor. (S/) STATE OF NEBRASKA


STATE Statement for #10 - Miscellaneous:

The De Facto - STATE OF NEBRASKA and operatives, as Affiliates, the LESSEE’S in the Leasing Contracts with this Secured Party - Thomas James Widlar have been utilizing the contracts as a Letter of Marque and/or Commercia Bellia to operate in the commercial/maritime financial monetary exchange system with extrinsic fraud and then using threats of harm to have their way. Therefore, all commercial/tariff Income Taxes are really owed by the commercial users as they are the commercial monetary beneficiaries.



UNITED STATES Statement for #4:

The above named "Secured Party" person (SPV - An American Independent Treasury "Cestui Que Trust" off-balance sheet Legal Entity under fiduciary management and Fiscal Agents) is also known as the Principal Debtor to the Secured Party - Thomas-James: Widlar, an AMERICAN CREDITOR; under UCC # 2012-329-8989-6, the Original Foundational Leasing Contract. As this UCC "Secured Party" person, he has acted as the LESSOR and authorized contracting instruments with the De Facto - UNITED STATES (a De facto Governmental organization of corporation - Legal Entity) as this UCC's Prime Debtor. The Contracting Instruments are in FACT used as Leasing Contracts of Bondage and Unjust Usury, but they were never properly RATIFIED. Therefore this UCC filing is applying the final process by adding the LESSEE'S Collateral to SECURE the Secured Party in the listed contracts. The action is required in order to enforce and insure the leasing rents owed by the LESSEE are paid to the LESSOR or when it is demanded to the AMERICAN CREDITOR - Thomas-James: Widlar under UCC # 2012-329-8989-6, as a Chose in Action.


The Leasing Contracts:

1. UNITED STATES - Thomas James Widlar "Social Security Card and Account" xxx-xx-6729; an Open-Ended - Commercial Leasing Contract.

2. STATE OF NEBRASKA - Thomas James Widlar "Certificate of Live Birth" OHIO xxxx-xx3187; a Municipal Corporation Shareholder Leasing Contract.


DEBTOR COLLATERAL available for the Leasing Contracts is as Follows:

The Bonds of Office of all De Facto - UNITED STATES and Federal District Office Holders as organization of corporation Officials and all buildings and other property claimed to be De Facto - UNITED STATES property.


This new UCC filing supersedes all previously filed UCCs under the same Secured Party and Debtor formatting.


Under penalty of perjury this UCC is acknowledged and concurred as correct by the Debtor: (S/) UNITED STATES.

UNITED STATES Statement for #10 - Miscellaneous:

The De Facto - UNITED STATES and operatives, as Affiliates, the LESSEE’S in the Leasing Contracts with the Secured Party - Thomas James Widlar have been utilizing the contracts as a Letter of Marque or Commercia Bellia to operate in the commercial/maritime financial monetary exchange system with extrinsic fraud and then using threats of harm to have their way. Therefore all commercial/tariff Income Taxes are really owed by the commercial users as they are the monetary beneficiaries.



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