At your PRESENT POINT HISTORY all of your races are part of the AMENTI MORPHOGENETIC FIELD, and all of you are in the PROCESS OF HEALING AND ASSEMBLING VARIOUS DNA CONFIGURATIONS. We do not want the more immature among you to MISUSE THEIS INFORMATION on GENETIC lineage as grounds for unfair and discriminatory attitudes toward other members of your race, for such discrimination has no intelligent basis and is groundless.
At your PRESENT POINT HISTORY all of your races are part of the AMENTI MORPHOGENETIC FIELD, and all of you are in the PROCESS OF HEALING AND ASSEMBLING VARIOUS DNA CONFIGURATIONS. We do not want the more immature among you to MISUSE THEIS INFORMATION on GENETIC lineage as grounds for unfair and discriminatory attitudes toward other members of your race, for such discrimination has no intelligent basis and is groundless. We would also like to mention here that of the Third through Seventh Root Races and their Cloisters, each of the seven sub-races within each race carries one of the race strains from each of the seven Root Races. For example, those of the Aryan Root Race affiliated with the Hibiru Cloister, who carry the gene code imprint for the white skinned races, have within their seven sub-races a white skinned sub-race with a dominant Aryan or Hibiru Cloister gene, a black skinned sub-race with a dominant Euanjhechi or Yunaseti Cloister gene, a yellow skinned sub-race with a dominant Muvarian or Melchizedek Cloister gene, a brown skinned sub-race with a dominant Lemurian or Ur-Antrian gene, and a red skinned sub-race with a dominant Atlantean or Breanoua Cloister gene. There will also be two additional sub-races which bear the primary skin color of their Root Race and Cloister, who carry a dominant gene from the First Polarian and Second Hyperbornean Root Races of Gaia. Each of the primary Root Races and their Cloisters have this inter-mixed sub-racial division. The seven sub-families within each of the seven sub-races are even further intermixed. We tell you this so you may come to realize that all of your races, though diversified in genetic content are equal in value and all of them, by the design of their morphogenetic pattern, are intertwined.
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