


At the age of 24 Akhenaton was taken to the INNER EARTH by the Priests of Ur, and trained in the processes of ASCENSION, which he would conduct after his training was complete. In 1367 BC, at the age of 31, AKHENATON was instructed to relocate his seat of power from Thebes to a location in middle Egypt called Tel el-Amarna, where he constructed the city of Akhetaton in honor of the Aton god and the LAW OF ONE. He was led to this location by the Priests of Ur, as there, beneath the ground, were portals connecting to the Inner Earth, through which he could pass into the portals beneath the Great Pyramid of Giza, where the Arc of the Covenant and the Halls of Amenti were found. The Giza pyramid was still under the control and protection of the Amonist priests of Serres-Egyptian lineage, among whom much anti-Atonist sentiment stirred. The Priests of Ur did not want knowledge of the opening of the Halls of Amenti known among the general Amonist priest-cast, as certain abuses of power and distortion of the original Templar creed had become prevalent in this group, and only Cloister Melchizedeks born into the Serres-Egyptian elite were permitted knowledge of the opening of Amenti. 

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