The most TREACHEROUS PROBLEM created by this Atlantean misadventure was that the original seal on the Arc of the Covenant, which kept the Sphere of Amenti in place within the Andromeda planetary core, was SPARKED OPEN BY THE EM-PULSE transmission from the Great Crystal. The SPHERE OF AMENTI BEGAN TO SESCENT TO EARTH. The Sphere of Amenti could only be entered into the Earth core if the Earth grid vibrated high enough to hold the frequencies within it, and only during the dimensional blending periods inherent to the Earth's natural time cycles. The descent of the Sphere from the Andromeda Galaxy would take 2,000 years
The most TREACHEROUS PROBLEM created by this Atlantean misadventure was that the original seal on the Arc of the Covenant, which kept the Sphere of Amenti in place within the Andromeda planetary core, was SPARKED OPEN BY THE EM-PULSE transmission from the Great Crystal. The SPHERE OF AMENTI BEGAN TO SESCENT TO EARTH. The Sphere of Amenti could only be entered into the Earth core if the Earth grid vibrated high enough to hold the frequencies within it, and only during the dimensional blending periods inherent to the Earth's natural time cycles. The descent of the Sphere from the Andromeda Galaxy would take 2,000 years. Not only was the Earth grid unprepared to house its energies, but the timing of entry would be completely out of synchronization with Earth's natural cycles. Having been released into the Arc of the Covenant portal bridge in 9558 BC, the Sphere of Amenti would intercept Earth sometime in 7558 BC. It would not arrive in time for the dimensional blend period of 9048 BC, and would arrive before the next dimensional blend period in 6835 BC. If the Sphere of Amenti attempted to enter Earth's three-dimensional body during a time period when Earth's fourth-dimensional vortices were not opened, the Sphere would explode upon impact with the natural frequency barrier that separates the third and fourth dimensions. This astral explosion would cause the Earth's fourth vortex chakra to collapse, which would systematically create a build up of energy throughout the remaining vortices and the Earth grid would explode. If the Sphere passed through the astral plane into the frequency bands of the third dimension in 7558 BC, the Earth would be reduced to space dust.
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