When the TEMPLAR-ANNU sent their destroyer beam EM pulse through the ARC OF THE COVENANT, the EM pulse intercepted the SPHERE OF AMENTI with its SECURITY SEAL. The security seal would not allow the EM pulse to travel into the AMENTI SPHERE, but instead created a double OVERTONE FREQUENCY PATTERN that sent the EM pulse into a state of fission. The exploding energies focused in the ANDROMEDA GALAXY quickly refracted off of the security seal on the Sphere, replicated and intensified, then projected back down through the Arc of the Covenant, disseminated through the EARTH GRID,
When the TEMPLAR-ANNU sent their destroyer beam EM pulse through the ARC OF THE COVENANT, the EM pulse intercepted the SPHERE OF AMENTI with its SECURITY SEAL. The security seal would not allow the EM pulse to travel into the AMENTI SPHERE, but instead created a double OVERTONE FREQUENCY PATTERN that sent the EM pulse into a state of fission. The exploding energies focused in the ANDROMEDA GALAXY quickly refracted off of the security seal on the Sphere, replicated and intensified, then projected back down through the Arc of the Covenant, disseminated through the EARTH GRID, then refocused on their point of origin, the MAIN CRYSTAL GENERATOR beneath the largest Island of ATLANTIS. This process occurred almost instantaneously, causing a chain reaction EXPLOSION within most of the operational Crystal Generators. The Sirian Council discovered the plan too late, and were unable to prevent the catastrophe. But they were able to rescue several groups of Sirian Council loyalists from the Atlantean Islands, transporting them via interdimensional craft to Egypt. Fleets rapidly scoured the Earth in the few hours prior to the explosions, warning the cultures to retreat underground and into the Inner Earth civilizations, where they would find shelter and refuge from the deluge that would soon follow. Many people from many lands poured into the Inner Earth portals, some were not able to enter before the portals had to be closed, and so they perished. The portals and the underground passageways leading to them were sealed, closed from the inside using the Ankh tools, as Earth awaited the inevitable explosions.
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