International Monetary Fund conditionality with loss of the dollar reserve currency status, and collapse of the living standards of the vast majority of the Americans


  1. 2012 N.Y. Slip Op. 50614 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 2012)
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    Page 7
    That members of the Council on Foreign Relations including Peter G. Petersen as then Chairman that act with the Jesuit Order by the oath of allegiance superior to the United States Constitution, Treaties, and various States' Constitutions that starting no later than January 2006 sought to usurp the executive branch of government using Barack Hussein Obama II and John S. McCain III, as a matched set of contenders then under joint command and control, to preclude any other contender in preparation for a banking and sub-prime mortgage collapse that requires subsuming the sovereignty of the people of the united States of America and New York to International Monetary Fund conditionality with loss of the dollar reserve currency status, and collapse of the living standards of the vast majority of the Americans to that of a third world status. [sic] Plaintiff STRUNK, in ¶ 139 of the complaint, alleges that defendant GEORGE SOROS "proves his allegiance to Rome by promoting Muslim Brotherhood overt control of Egypt . . . We cannot forget that the Jesuits in Cairo created the Muslim Brotherhood in 1928, the same year the Order created Opus Dei in Spain [sic]." Further, plaintiff STRUNK, in ¶ 145 of the complaint alleges that "Defendants Pritzker and Soros have managed a crucial role for the Vatican State as a member of the CFR and high level Freemasonry and in conjunction with King Juan Carlos (the King of Jerusalem) to create global regionalism that subsumes national sovereignty of the USA and the People of New York state to the detriment of plaintiff and those similarly situated [sic]."
