BANK ACCOUNT after RECEIVING the FUNDS from Montgomery County. There is ample evidence of strong probative force to clearly demonstrate that the TRUST did not fail for the lack of a trust purpose, nor did it fail for lack of a CESTUI QUE TRUST. It is hornbook law that the beneficiaries of a TRUST or the CESTUI QUE TRUST, have the entire equitable title. The "TRUSTEES" merely hold the bare legal title and not the beneficial title. This has been the rule in equity since the memory of man runneth not to the contrary and, the TRUSTEES, hold the property in TRUST in a fiduciary relationship to the
BANK ACCOUNT after RECEIVING the FUNDS from Montgomery County. There is ample evidence of strong probative force to clearly demonstrate that the TRUST did not fail for the lack of a trust purpose, nor did it fail for lack of a CESTUI QUE TRUST. It is hornbook law that the beneficiaries of a TRUST or the CESTUI QUE TRUST, have the entire equitable title.
The "TRUSTEES" merely hold the bare legal title and not the beneficial title. This has been the rule in equity since the memory of man runneth not to the contrary and, the TRUSTEES, hold the property in TRUST in a fiduciary relationship to the
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