

Note: This article pertains to last week’s tornado outbreak, not the current one, in which the town of Barnsdall, OK, was flattened last night. Marines are still in Tornado Alley looking for FEMA criminality.

U.S. Marines have dealt a demoralizing blow to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) goons hoping to take advantage of citizens in Tornado Alley whose homes were reduced to rubble in last week’s devasting twister outbreak, which spawned over 300 EF2-EF4 funnel clouds from the Ohio Valley to the Texas Panhandle.

As reported previously, Marines on April 27 ambushed an armed FEMA convoy on the outskirts of Omaha, Nebraska, after a powerful twister carved a path of destruction that flattened 300 homes in the suburb of Elkhorn. The Marines confiscated FEMA’s weapons and arrested two field supervisors before curiously releasing the caravan.

Real Raw News has since learned that the Marines placed GPS tracking devices on FEMA’s vehicles prior to forcing the federal Gestapo to leave the disaster zone.

FEMA headed south through Nebraska and Kansas toward Oklahoma, where the National Weather Service predicted storms would strike the following day. Unbeknownst to the feds, the Marines had swapped their Humvees for civilian vehicles and were tailing the federal cavalcade at a discreet distance as it sped toward the Oklahoma border.

Seven hours later, the feds crossed into north central Oklahoma near the City of Tonkawa and continued south to Guthrie, the former capital before statehood and part of the Oklahoma City metroplex. They stopped outside what appeared to be an industrial warehouse on Mockingbird Drive, with a handful of feds dismounting and the rest remaining inside idling vehicles.

The lead Marine element saw six FEMA enter the building and emerge laden with fresh armaments, M4s slung across their shoulders and cradled in their arms.

“It was obvious FEMA planned to rearm and head back out to terrorize citizens,” a source in General Eric Smith’s office told Real Raw News. “This time, the Marine’s weren’t feeling charitable and had orders to deal with FEMA at their discretion.”

The Marines emerged from concealment and opened fire.

Explosive reports and sizzling projectiles greeted the FEMA agents coming out of the building. The agents had been laughing, but their revelries ended suddenly as one of them fell down dead, blood trickling out a half dozen bullet wounds. The other five tried slapping magazines into their rifles, but they, too, died to a volley of Marine gunfire before chambering even a single round.

Meanwhile, the second Marine element engaged FEMA’s vehicles and the occupants within. They shot out the tires and the windows and laced the agents with automatic fire. One Marine sprinting past a FEMA SUV lobbed a grenade through the shot-out glass, and the resultant explosion removed the driver’s head—his neck now a fountain of blood.

In the end, 31 FEMA lay dead. No Marines were wounded in battle. They had outmaneuvered and outgunned the Deep State police force.

The warehouse, it turned out, was a veritable armory—300 M4s, 165 handguns, and plenty of 9mm and 5.56 ammunition for each.

Our source said the Marines confiscated the weapons ahead of leaving the combat zone.

“I wish this was the end of it, but we know better. We have what Marines we can spare in the area, and they’ll be on the lookout for more FEMA. This was a win of a battle in a very protracted war,” our source said.

