A10 GENERAL ERIC M. SMITH, a key figure in the FIGHT against THE DEEP STATE, has agreed to a momentous MEETING with the enigmatic COLONEL KURTZ, the leader of the patriotic splinter cell known as the “RED HATS,” APRIL 30, 2024


GENERAL ERIC M. SMITH, a key figure in the FIGHT against THE DEEP STATE, has agreed to a momentous MEETING with the enigmatic COLONEL KURTZ, the leader of the patriotic splinter cell known as the “RED HATS,” APRIL 30, 2024

General Eric M. Smith, a key figure in the fight against the Deep State, has agreed to a momentous meeting with the enigmatic Colonel Kurtz, the leader of the patriotic splinter cell known as the “Red Hats,” a source in the general’s office revealed to Real Raw News.

As reported earlier, the general had received a few pieces of correspondence from Kurtz in which he obliquely explained his mission and highlighted their dichotomous views on the application of force needed to terminally vanquish the Deep State. Kurtz also expressed a desire to meet Gen. Smith, air grievances, and to reach a mutual understanding.

Sources have refused to say whether Kurtz, whose true identity they are guarding, and Gen. Smith have ever had working or personal dealings. An earlier offhand comment—Kurtz was Gen. Berger’s protégé—suggests Kurtz is or was a renowned Marine Corps officer and may have been a former White Hat council member, though sources would neither confirm nor deny those presumptions. Regardless, it seems probable they have had more than a passing acquaintance.

“I’m not at liberty to share that info,” our source said during a Sunday evening phone call. “I can say they’ve agreed to meet and that Gen. Berger set up the meeting.”

Gen. Berger, as detailed in July 2023, became the White Hat’s civilian liaison to Mar-a-Lago following his ceremonious retirement from the Corps, having served the nation with pride and honor since 1981—the genesis of his distinguished, unblemished career.

“I am now authorized to say that Gen. Smith discussed Kurtz with Gen. Berger and President Trump while at Mar-a-Lago a few weeks ago. He sought Gen. Berger’s opinion of the man; he didn’t want to get ambushed if he agreed to meet. President Trump suggested that Gen. Berger contact Kurtz, and he did and got back to Gen. Smith two days later,” our source said.

Gen. Berger, he added, vouched for Kurtz, calling him “honorable” but “unsteady.”

As of this writing, the meeting will occur at a neutral location on Friday afternoon. Both men stipulate the following conditions: neither will arrive armed, no recording devices of any kind, and only two assistants each.

Real Raw News will report the outcome ASAP.

