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Breaking! Hospitals Euthanized Patients to Boost ‘Covid Deaths,’ Whistleblowers Testify

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In a series of shocking testimonies that have sent ripples of outrage through the medical community and beyond, whistleblowers have come forward to reveal a sinister plot within hospitals during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to these courageous insiders, patients were euthanized and their deaths misattributed to COVID-19 in a deliberate effort to inflate the death toll. These bombshell allegations have been presented during the ongoing Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry, which has been scrutinizing the country’s pandemic response for nearly two months.

A Grim Discovery. “Unbelievable” is the word echoing through the halls of power and the hearts of the public. As details of these testimonies emerge, the implications are staggering. Hospitals, entrusted with the care and survival of the sick, are accused of betraying that trust in the most heinous way imaginable. Instead of saving lives, they allegedly orchestrated deaths, fueling the pandemic panic and manipulating statistics for nefarious purposes.

Whistleblowers Speak Out. The inquiry has provided a platform for these whistleblowers to share their harrowing experiences. One nurse, who chose to remain anonymous due to fears of retaliation, described a nightmarish scenario in which patients were administered lethal drug combinations under the guise of treatment.

“We were told it was necessary,” she stated, her voice trembling. “But it felt wrong. Deep down, I knew we were killing people.”

Another whistleblower, a former doctor, corroborated these claims. He detailed how pressure from higher-ups pushed medical staff to comply with the deadly protocol.

“It was either follow orders or face consequences,” he revealed. “I couldn’t live with the guilt anymore, so I had to speak out.”

The Inquiry’s Findings So Far. The Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry, an independent investigation, has been meticulously examining the country’s response to the pandemic. As testimonies pile up, a disturbing pattern emerges. The inquiry is not just about identifying failures; it’s about uncovering possible criminal actions.

Evidence suggests that these euthanasia practices were not isolated incidents but part of a broader strategy. Documents and internal communications obtained by the inquiry point to a coordinated effort to boost COVID-19 death statistics. The motive? Speculation ranges from financial incentives tied to pandemic relief funds to a more insidious desire to maintain public fear and compliance.

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The Drug Cocktail. Central to the whistleblowers’ testimonies is the use of specific drug combinations. These drugs, typically used in palliative care to ease suffering, were allegedly administered in doses high enough to cause death. One former pharmacist testified that the orders for these drugs spiked during the pandemic’s peak, raising red flags about their intended use.

Medical experts brought in by the inquiry confirmed that the dosages described by the whistleblowers were indeed lethal.

“These were not therapeutic doses,” one expert stated. “They were designed to end life, not save it.”

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Public Outrage and Demand for Justice. As news of these revelations spreads, public outrage is mounting. Social media is ablaze with demands for accountability. Families of the deceased are coming forward, seeking justice for their loved ones. Many are now questioning the true cause of death listed on the death certificates of their relatives.

“This is a betrayal of trust on an unimaginable scale,” said one bereaved family member. “We need answers. We need those responsible to face justice.”

The Broader Implications. The implications of these revelations extend far beyond Scotland. If these practices were indeed widespread, it raises uncomfortable questions about the pandemic response in other regions and countries. Were similar methods used elsewhere? How many deaths attributed to COVID-19 were actually the result of these alleged euthanasia practices?

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Human rights organizations and medical ethics boards are calling for a global investigation into these allegations.

“This cannot be ignored,” said a spokesperson for a leading human rights group. “If true, this represents one of the most egregious violations of medical ethics in recent history.”

The Inquiry’s Next Steps. The Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry is far from over. With each new testimony, the picture becomes clearer and more disturbing. The panel has vowed to leave no stone unturned in its pursuit of the truth. Upcoming sessions promise to delve deeper into the chain of command within hospitals and the possible involvement of government officials.

Conclusion:  As the world watches the unfolding drama of the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry, one thing is certain: the truth must come to light. The testimonies of these brave whistleblowers have opened a Pandora’s box of questions that demand answers. Hospitals are places of healing, not death chambers. The pursuit of justice for the victims and their families is not just a national issue but a global imperative.

The allegations of euthanizing patients to inflate COVID-19 death statistics represent a dark chapter in the history of the pandemic. It serves as a stark reminder that vigilance and accountability are paramount, especially in times of crisis. The world awaits the final verdict of the inquiry, but for now, the spotlight remains firmly on those who dared to speak the truth in the face of unimaginable pressure.

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