

The criminal Biden regime has secretly dispatched undercover FEMA agents to the southern border, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

On Friday, February 2, a White Hat officer embedded within the Texas Military Department spotted, and later apprehended, FEMA Region VI supervisor Tony Robinson at the Autel Rio Inn, a budget motel less than 600 feet from the border in Eagle Pass, Texas.

Robinson was first seen loitering around the motel parking lot early Friday. Although he wore a dark suit and tie rather than typical FEMA battle gear, he was immediately recognized by a Marine Corps officer, also in plain clothes at the time, who had coincidentally booked a room at the same motel as Robinson. He stood out like a sore thumb—at least to White Hats familiar with his criminal maleficence.

The six-foot-two-inch, medium build Caucasian with a smattering of short grey hair had ascended to the position of Region VI—encompassing Texas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Arkansas–supervisor in June 2023. At the time, Robinson praised FEMA Director Deanne Criswell for elevating his station, as he had faithfully fulfilled FEMA’s edicts since 1987, and called the promotion “long overdue.”

He became a rapidly growing blip on the White Hat’s radar in August 2023 when U.S. Marines battling FEMA forces in Maui met Robinson on the battlefield, though he eluded capture. White Hat sources said they have evidence linking Robinson to the wanton slaughter of countless Hawaiians who perished to FEMA’s gunfire and flamethrowers.

“General Smith issued ‘arrest on sight’ orders, and, in fact, we thought we might have nailed him when we took down their plane. But he must not have been on it, and it was a sheer stroke of luck one of our guys noticed him in Eagle Pass,” a source in Gen. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

That officer, he added, discretely snapped and sent a photo of Robinson to U.S. Army Cyber Command for verification, and their response confirmed his suspicions: ARCYBER returned a 96.5% match, conclusive enough for the officer to confront and arrest Robinson for treason.

The officer, however, felt it prudent to orchestrate Robinson’s capture with other White Hats in Eagle Pass. Roundtable discussions led to a disturbing possibility: Robinson would not have traveled to the border alone.

“FEMA is a brood, a blight, a plague of locusts. If he was there, he had support. These FEMA types are cowards and don’t travel solo,” our source said.

White Hat leaders asked ARCYBER to access the guest registries of all hotels and motels within a 50-mile radius of Eagle Pass. An alarming number of “John Smiths” and “Jane Does”—fifty in all—must have thought the illegal-ridden border city was an inviting and exciting wintertime vacation vista, for they had all rented rooms and leased vehicles for precisely 60 days.

“It’s a FEMA infestation,” our source said.

The revelation led White Hats to believe that FEMA had unknowingly borrowed their playbook.

As reported previously, White Hats on the border have donned uniforms of the Texas National Guard to display solidarity and conceal their identities and numbers. At the same time, FEMA personnel have insinuated themselves among federal Border Patrol agents, wearing their uniforms and insignia, evidenced by Caucasian agents wearing nametags that read “Hernandez” Velcroed to their jackets.

“Not to sound racist, but they were as white as Casper the Friendly Ghost and were definitely not Hernandez. They were intermixed with CBP, and they smelled like FEMA,” our source said. “Now, what they and Robinson were doing there, we can be sure they were up to no good. The goal of the day was to get Robinson and not make a huge scene.”

White Hats, he said, tailed Robinson to the outskirts of Shelby Park, where he conspicuously gazed across the Rio Grande through a pair of binoculars and now and then mingled with BCP officers (ostensibly FEMA agents) for reasons unknown but easily imagined. Over several hours, he had repositioned himself; he drove from the park to Eagle Pass International Bridge and back. As the sun set, he hopped in his car and started back to the hotel, unaware that White Hats were on his tail and lying in wait at the Autel Rio Inn.

No sooner had he parked than the White Hat officer who first identified him approached him with a facetious smile and said, “Hey, Tony, what are you doing here? We missed you in Maui.”

Robinson had begun reaching for his pistol but stopped when he saw myriad pinpoints of red lights moving across his chest.

“You really shouldn’t do that,” the White Hat officer said. “It would be—unfortunate for you.”

Robinson surrendered his sidearm and was taken into custody.

“As you might’ve guessed, he hasn’t said why he was at the border. He’s being interrogated now. One thing’s for sure: his capture closes a chapter on one of FEMA’s most infamous despots,” our source said.

