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MILITARY SOURCE: Global Alert! Military Forces Enforce Martial Law Worldwide, Ground Command Confirms!

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Global Martial Law, Ground Command, and the Rise of CARE

The world as we know it stands under the oppressive shadow of international martial law, orchestrated not by individual nations but by the figure of Ground Command. As governments worldwide scramble to regain their sovereignty, major global institutions like the IMF, UN, World Bank, and WEF have crumbled, leaving room for the emergence of a restructured Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) and the rise of a formidable new force known as CARE.

Governments are now grappling for the remnants of their sovereignty, while once-almighty institutions like the IMF, UN, World Bank, and WEF have fallen into irrelevance. In their wake, a newly restructured Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) and the emergence of CARE are poised to reshape the world as we know it.

But what does this seismic shift entail, and how does it affect the global financial landscape? In this article, we will delve into the details of these remarkable developments, shining a light on the imminent restructuring of the IRS, the abrupt dismissal of influential figures like Janet Yellen, and the looming handover of assets by the US Federal Reserve and Treasury. Hold onto your seats, dear readers, as we journey through this tumultuous path, revealing truths that have remained hidden for far too long.

The Dawn of Global Martial Law

For the very first time in human history, the entire world finds itself ensnared in international martial law. This extraordinary development has sent shockwaves reverberating through the corridors of power, leaving governments bewildered and disarmed. Once the custodians of sovereignty, nations now find themselves at the mercy of Ground Command, an enigmatic force that seems to operate from the shadows.

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What makes this upheaval even more intriguing is that it extends far beyond the mere removal of power from governments. The once-mighty pillars of global governance – the International Monetary Fund (IMF), United Nations (UN), World Bank, and World Economic Forum (WEF) – have crumbled, reduced to mere shells of their former selves. These institutions, which once held immense sway over global affairs, have now lost their sovereignty and influence.

Rise of a New Order

In place of the old order, a restructured Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) has emerged, poised to take center stage in the new world order. The GIA, shrouded in secrecy and power, has swiftly stepped into the void left by the dismantled institutions. It remains to be seen how this shadowy entity will shape the future of global governance.

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Another force that has emerged from the shadows is CARE. The specifics of CARE’s agenda and modus operandi remain shrouded in secrecy, leaving the world to speculate on its intentions and goals. Is CARE a force for good, or does it harbor ulterior motives? Only time will reveal its true nature.

The IRS in Peril

One of the most significant repercussions of this global upheaval is the imminent restructuring of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the United States. The very foundations of this long-standing institution are trembling, with the possibility of a complete replacement looming on the horizon.

Adding to the intrigue is the abrupt dismissal of Janet Yellen, the former Secretary of the Treasury. This shocking revelation has yet to be made public, raising questions about who holds the reins of power in the United States during these uncertain times. The once-untouchable US Federal Reserve and Treasury are on notice until June 30, with the looming threat of surrendering their vast assets, including property, commercial holdings, land, and business assets, if they fail to repay the staggering quadrillions owed to the Global Repository.

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Financial Earthquake: The Balance of Power at Stake

This marks a watershed moment in financial history, where the balance of power and control over global assets hangs precariously in the balance. The world is on the brink of witnessing an unmasking of the truth, unprecedented news revelations, and the impending mass arrests of those responsible for the previous order.

While the short-term outlook is filled with volatility, and the medium-term anticipates significant change, there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon. The long-term prosperity promised by this new world order, spearheaded by the enigmatic CARE entity, could potentially bring about a brighter future for all of humanity.

The Countdown Begins: Mass Arrests and Global Revelation – The Military Forces (Q)

The Military Forces (Q) are already in motion, preparing for the implementation of the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS). This heralds the imminent closure of the planet, a global blackout, and revelations that will rock the world to its core. The mass arrests of individuals involved in the previous world order are imminent, promising a clean slate and a fresh start for the world’s citizens.

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As we navigate these unprecedented times, it is essential to remain vigilant, informed, and prepared for the seismic shifts that lie ahead. The global landscape is evolving at an unprecedented pace, and the unveiling of a new world order has commenced. Stay tuned for updates, as we embark on this historic journey towards a future that holds both promise and uncertainty.

A World in Flux

In conclusion, we find ourselves in a world transformed beyond recognition. International martial law, orchestrated by Ground Command, has left governments in disarray and global institutions in ruins. The emergence of the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) and the enigmatic force of CARE have set the stage for a new world order.

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As we stand on the precipice of change, the fate of the IRS, the abrupt dismissal of Janet Yellen, and the impending handover of assets by the US Federal Reserve and Treasury hang in the balance. The global financial landscape teeters on the edge, with the promise of mass arrests and revelations that could reshape our understanding of the world.

While the road ahead is fraught with uncertainty, there is a glimmer of hope for a better future. The CARE entity offers the possibility of long-term prosperity for humanity, but whether it delivers on this promise remains to be seen. In these turbulent times, it is crucial to remain informed and prepared for the unfolding events that will shape our world for years to come. Stay tuned, for the journey has only just begun.

BQQM! MILITARY INTEL: The Evidence of Military Special Operations Protecting President Donald J. Trump and Vice President John F. Kennedy Jr. as they Restore the Republic of the United States!

The storm has arrived! The Republic of The United States of America is being restored, and we must trust the plan. Silent Executioner, the floor is yours.

The unfolding evidence of military special operations protecting President Donald J. Trump and Vice President John F. Kennedy Jr. as they Restore the Republic of the United States.

Unveil the hidden truths of the Deep State, child trafficking investigations, and the dawn of a new golden age with advanced technologies and a revolutionary financial system.

Trust the plan and be part of the Great Military Game!

Good-hearted men in positions of power have drawn their lines in the sand, standing firm against the wretched forces that seek to impoverish our world. Today, we reveal the evidence of military special operations that protect the true Commander in Chief, President Donald J. Trump, and Vice President John F. Kennedy Jr. The greatest restoration of good the world has ever known is in motion, and it’s time to uncover the truths hidden in the storm.

The Storm Has Been Brewing. For longer than we know, a storm has been brewing against the monsters that have impoverished our world. Good men across intelligence agencies have set in motion a calculated restoration of good, utilizing the unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All, fueled by massive NSA information.


„Main Core” – A CIA Database of 8 Million Who Will Be Rounded Up When Martial Law Is Imposed – From the Reagan Administration to the Present as Part of a Broader Continuity of Government (COG) Program

“Main Core” is an top-secret U.S. government database that is contain detailed information on American citizens who are considered potential threats to national security. The existence of this database was first brought to light in 2008, with reports suggesting it has been in development since the Reagan administration as part of a broader Continuity of Government (COG) program.

This program was originally designed to ensure government operations could continue in the event of a catastrophic emergency, such as a nuclear war or major terrorist attack​​.

The Main Core database reportedly gathers vast amounts of personal and financial data from various intelligence agencies, including the NSA, FBI, and CIA, without the need for warrants or court orders. It is believed to store the “main core” or essential intelligence information on individuals, potentially including millions of Americans. The database’s purpose is to identify, track, and possibly detain these individuals during a national crisis​.

This information, collected over the years, has raised significant privacy and civil liberties concerns. Critics argue that such surveillance and data collection measures can lead to abuses of power and the infringement of individual rights under the guise of national security​.

“Main Core” is part of a series of government programs and plans aimed at maintaining continuity and control during a national crisis. These programs include REX 84, Operation Garden Plot, and provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).


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