The U.S. NAVY JUDGE ADVOCATE General’s Corps on found VICTORIA NULAND GUILTY by DEFAULT and SENTENCES HER TO HANG because she had obstinately REFUSED to PLEAD GUILTY or NOT GUILTY at an ARRAIGNMENT following her ARREST on March 4, a JAG source Said. April 9, 2024.



The U.S. NAVY JUDGE ADVOCATE General’s Corps on found VICTORIA NULAND GUILTY by DEFAULT and SENTENCES HER TO HANG because she had obstinately REFUSED to PLEAD GUILTY or NOT GUILTY at an ARRAIGNMENT following her ARREST on March 4, a JAG source Said. April 9, 2024.

The U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps on Friday found Victoria Nuland guilty by default because she had obstinately refused to plead guilty or not guilty at an arraignment following her arrest on March 4, a JAG source told Real Raw News.

As reported previously, Marines stormed the couple’s 5,500 square-foot estate and fired a tranquilizer dart into her husband’s neck as he abandoned his wife and tried to flee the residence, while Nuland threw up her hands in despair and said that Obama would avenge her, a threat that never materialized. The dishonorable duo was taken to JAG’s Pensacola processing center and separated so they couldn’t collaborate.

As of this writing, RRN has no other info on Robert Kagen, Nuland’s spouse.

Nuland has refused to cooperate. When JAG asked her if intended to hire outside counsel, she wagged her head from side to side and said she didn’t need to because she had committed no crimes. When JAG asked whether she wanted one of their lawyers to defend her, she laughed and demanded a recitation of JAG’s “fallacious” evidence. She was told only that she was being charged with “treason” and that Admiral Crandall would expound eloquently on the details at her impending military tribunal.

“GITMO? I’m not going there,” Nuland told the arraigning judge, and recited verbatim the 6th Amendment, which grants every person the right to hear the charges against them.

“You are being held as an enemy combatant and have thus given up those rights. You have no constitutional rights, and the Geneva Convention doesn’t apply to you. Do you plead guilty or not guilty?” the judge asked.

“I won’t plead either,” Nuland said. “And I want to see my husband. Where is that worm?”

“Very well. It’s off to GITMO for you anyway. Admiral Crandall will decide your destiny. I have no knowledge of your husband; he’s somewhere else,” said the judge.

Upon arriving at GITMO Nuland was again given an opportunity to enter a plea, and again she held her tongue.

“Mrs. Nuland, a ‘mute’ plea works differently here than in the outside world,” a JAG advocate told her.

Outside of GITMO and other JAG-controlled installations, a mute plea is when a defendant pleads neither guilty nor not guilty. The defendant’s lawyer informs the court of the mute plea, and then the judge enters the plea as not guilty.

“Ma’am, I know you refused councel, but please listen. If you don’t plea, a guilty plea will be entered on your behalf, and by default, you’ll be found guilty of all charges and sentenced to the maximum punishment. Do you understand what I’m telling you?” the advocate asked.

Silence followed.

During Nuland’s stay at Camp Delta, she passed up six more opportunities to submit a plea and instead reproved JAG for “idolizing” Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, calling the world’s most influential leaders the “greatest threat to democracy the world has ever known.” Moreover, she said her “people” would “atomize” all challengers to the Biden/Harris administration.

On Friday, April 5, Admiral Crandall entered a default judgment in favor of the plaintiff, JAG, and sentenced Nuland to hang by the neck until dead at the tribunal’s convenience, tentatively on April 16.

Our source said he would provide an evidentiary extract as soon as possible.
